Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Information about Internships

It is not possible to register for the internship modules in the "Löwenportal".

Compulsory internship in the Bachelor's program

Internship search/preparation

You should look for your internship yourself according to your own interests and possibilities (mobility, accommodation). Internships abroad are also possible - the ERASMUS Internship Office     at OVGU Magdeburg, for example, can advise you on this.
If your chosen internship company requires a certificate stating that it is a compulsory internship, simply send a short email to the Examination Office of the Faculty of Natural Sciences III. You will receive this certificate directly by email from the Examination Office.

Internship form

At the Examination Office you also will receive a course-related internship template (also available for download on the homepage of the Examination Office ). Please enter your data and the data of the internship location in the form.

University supervision

You must take action yourself and find a person to take on the university supervision. This can be any person working in teaching at our institute. The content of the internship should match the teaching areas of the selected person, so there are no specifications for this. Before the start of the internship, you will have a personal discussion with your chosen supervisor about the timing and content of the planned internship. At the same time, you will receive information about the desired length of the report (usually 2-5 pages).

Internship confirmation and internship report

You submit the internship confirmation (stating the period and assessment) together with your internship report to your university supervisor approx. 4 weeks after completing the internship. If the internship meets the module requirements, this will be confirmed on the form with a signature.

Recording of the performance

You then send the signed internship form and the internship confirmation to the Examination Office, where the module achievement is recorded.

Elective internship in the Master's Program IAS-GCG

The procedure is basically as described above, but only certain persons can be selected for university supervision. Persons other than those named here may only take over the supervision after consultation with the module supervisor.

Land System Science 7

Advisors are:

Prof. Dr. Christopher Conrad, Dr. Gerd Schmidt, Dr. Michael Zierdt, Dr. Julia Poehlitz, Dr. Mike Teucher, Dr. Thomas Thienelt

Social-Ecological Systems 8

Advisor ist Prof. Dr. Christine Fürst.

Questions and Answers

Is there a template for the internship certificate?

No, there is no template for the internship certificate. Each internship company issues the certificate according to its own templates.

Can I split the internship and complete two different internships?

This question cannot be answered in general terms. Please discuss this with the person who will supervise your internship. They are best placed to assess whether the internship companies you have chosen and the planned time periods meet the overall requirements for the internship.

How can I apply for an internship abroad?

You must organize your internship abroad yourself. If you would like to receive funding through the ERASMUS program, please submit your application documents by e-mail to the ERASMUS Internship Office at OVGU   .

Can I also complete both internship modules in the IAS-GCG Master's program?

Yes, if the focus of the Master's program is to be on deepening practical research questions, both internships can also be completed. The study organization must then be adapted accordingly.

Can the internship also be completed part-time?

Yes, this is possible. The module description of the work placement specifies the minimum working hours (e.g. 300 working hours) and the study and examination regulations specify the minimum duration (e.g. 8 weeks). These requirements must be met.

I fell ill during my internship. Do I have to make up the days I missed?

If you become ill during your internship, please inform the internship company and your supervisor at the university. The internship company can decide for itself whether individual days of absence need to be made up. The university does not require this.

However, if you are on sick leave for several weeks, the supervisor at the university will decide whether the requirements for the internship have been met or whether another internship must be completed.

Bin ich während des Praktikums über die Universität versichert?

Studierende sind an der Hochschule gesetzlich unfallversichert, wenn sie ordentlich immatrikuliert sind und die Tätigkeit, die zum Unfall führt, im organisatorischen Verantwortungsbereich der Hochschule stattfindet (zB Labor- oder Geländepraktikum).

Während des (Berufs-)Praktikums gliedern sich Studierende in den Betriebsablauf eines Unternehmens ein und sind als Beschäftigte des Unternehmens nach § 2 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 SGB VII unfallversichert. Zuständig ist die Berufsgenossenschaft oder Unfallkasse, bei der das Praktikumsunternehmen Mitglied ist. Das Unternehmen trägt die Kosten des Versicherungsschutzes mit den Beiträgen zur Unfallversicherung.

Ausführliche Informationen: Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (DGUV)   .
