Study Office
of the Institute of Geosciences and
The study office is the first point of contact for students, prospective students and lecturers.
Please address your questions to the study office by e-mail or telephone. If you are already enrolled, please contact us using your university e-mail address (Studmail) and be sure to state your degree programme and matriculation number.
Astrid Henke M.A.
room H4 1.25
Von Seckendorff-Platz 4
06120 Halle (Saale)
phone: 0345 55 26 010
Montag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag: 13-15 Uhr
Dienstag und Freitag nach Vereinbarung
Für ausführliche Beratungsgespräche vereinbaren Sie bitte einen konkreten Termin.
Conducting the consultation hours
During consultation hours you are welcome without an appointment, but count in waiting times.
Study counselling is not possible on the following days
Using AI-supported tools for text generation
Since the winter semester 2023/2024, the guidelines of our institute for the use of AI-supported tools for text generation must be observed in all courses.
This handout supplements the MLU Rectorate resolution of 18.07.2023 on the "Use of AI-supported tools in connection with study and examination achievements", which you can read here.
KI Leitlinien mit Anlage.pdf
(293.4 KB) vom 01.02.2024
Institute guidelines on the use of AI
(157.1 KB) vom 01.02.2024
Note for new students in the 1st year (Bachelor and Master)
All first-semester students can register for information events for all GEO degree programmes in the "studIP". New information events will be announced and dates published here continuously until the end of the 2nd semester.
Use the Central Orientation Days at our university for a very general introduction to studying! The so-called "O-Days" are basically intended for all new students at the University of Halle who have questions about studying and living in Halle.
There are also special orientation events (mostly bilingual) for our international first-year students.
Detailed Information for all first-year students 24
WS 24_25_VeröffentlichungErsti-V_MLU WelcomePortal.pdf
(244.6 KB) vom 30.08.2024
Important note for students in the Master International Area Studies - Global Change Geography
Regulations for the Amendment of the Study and Examination Regulations for the Master's Programme International Area Studies - Global Change Geography (120 credit points) at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg shall enter into force as of WS 23/24.
(Document only available in German)
IASGCG Msc ÄO 2023.pdf
(142.8 KB) vom 20.04.2023
Important note for students in the Bachelor of Geography and Master IAS-GCG: Geographical colloquium is compulsory!
Attending the Geographical Colloquium is now a fixed component (1 SWS) of the study programmes Bachelor Geography 180/120 LP and Master IAS-GCG.
In the Bachelor's programme, the colloquium has already been integrated into the compulsory module "GEO.07190 Vertiefung Geographisches Arbeiten" since SS 23.
In the Master's programme, the colloquium is part of the compulsory module "GEO.07236.02 Global and Regional Geographies - an Overview" from WS 23/24.
In both modules, attendance of the colloquium must be completed as a course credit. In order to fulfil this course achievement, a record of at least 7 colloquium dates must be prepared. This report does not have to be prepared within one semester, but the dates can be spread over several semesters.
Please submit the complete protocol to the Digital Geography office. The contact person is
Heike Barthel, VSP 4, room: 4 3.25
0345 – 55 260 41
We recommend that all students regularly inform themselves about the specific dates of the Geographical Colloquium. Especially for Master's students, it is important to start collecting the participation certificates (see protocol) already from the 1st semester, so that the required number of colloquium dates is recorded at the end of the 2nd semester!
The Geographical Colloquium usually takes place on Thursdays from 4-6 p.m. in HS 4 1.43 throughout the year; however, deviations are also possible. The respective chair confirms participation on site by signing and stamping the minutes.
The form for the minutes is available for download here and also in studIP in the course "Geographisches Kolloquium". The dates of the colloquium will be announced continuously by email to the student email addresses.
(122.8 KB) vom 18.04.2024