Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Institute secretariat

phone: +49/345/5526012
fax: +49/345/5527175

room H4 1.24
Von-Seckendorff-Platz 4
06120 Halle (Saale)

How to reach us    

postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Institut für Geowissenschaften und Geographie
06099 Halle

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Institute of Geosciences and Geography

Panoramic image of the Geological Garden of the Institute of Geosciences and Geography. Copyright Virtiv November 2013.

Panoramic image of the Geological Garden of the Institute of Geosciences and Geography. Copyright Virtiv November 2013.

Panoramic image of the Geological Garden of the Institute of Geosciences and Geography. Copyright Virtiv November 2013.

Welcome first-semester students!

You can find an overview of the planned introductory events in the studIP course ‘A_Information events for all GEO degree programmes’ . All first-semester students are asked to register as participants in this course.
You can also use our university's central orientation days for a general introduction to the degree programme! The so-called ‘O-days’ are basically intended for all new students at the University of Halle who have questions about studying and living in Halle.
Translated with (free version)

First semester events in the winter semester 2024/25
WS 24_25_VeröffentlichungErsti-V_MLU WelcomePortal.pdf (244.6 KB)  vom 30.08.2024

Campus Maps - Interactive Site plans of the university and life in Halle

Link to CampusMaps of the university

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Calendar of events of the Institute

Find out about current events at the Institute (colloquia, lecture series, clubs, student council etc.)

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360° view of the Institute

Link to virtual panoramas of the university

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News archive
