Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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PROLEARN II - Prototypische Lernmodule für den Einsatz von Learning Analytics Verfahren

Funding: Bund-/Länderprogramm zur Hochschulfinanzierung, Hochschulpakt III  2016-2020

Duration: 01.01.2017 – 30.06.2019

project description

In the project, the department remote sensing and cartography examines the potentialities of using e-learning and e-teaching instruments in university teaching. The focus is on learning modules and learning analytics methods. Learning modules help students at the beginning of their studies, i.e. when switching between study programs and during the transition from Bachelor to Master courses, in order to analyse their own previous knowledge, to close knowledge gaps and to identify new ways of learning.

By integrating learning analytics methods, learners are given the opportunity to identify and balance deficits. Thus, the learning concept is aimed at a very heterogeneous target group with diverse applications of the learning modules in fields of study with spatial reference. Application scenarios are study programmes in the field of the natural sciences, but also other branches of science, such as: archaeology and history, as well as teacher training in geography.

The existing learning units and exams of the department will be analysed with regard to the efficiency of knowledge transfer. Based on these results, prototypical learning modules are developed including predefined learning objectives and associated tests, which allow the user different forms of knowledge acquisition to the teaching contents. Here, the expansion or integration of the learning modules into the existing IT infrastructure, the ILIAS system is a major focus. On the basis of the evaluation of previous modules and examination units, the contents of the system can be adapted to the different target groups in a modular and user-specific manner, taking into account the individual level of knowledge.

In close cooperation and coordination with the project PROLEARN I, the content of e-learning modules are based on a general study-independent geographical understanding of space, as required and applied in science and practice. In detail, general basics in the field of remote sensing and cartography are presented, which are thematically focused on the types of landscapes and regions of the earth and geodata relevant for the analysis and thereby include modeling in different data and scales (eg: data acquisition, recording and evaluation).

cooperation partner


Prof. Dr. Cornelia Gläßer (Projektleiter),
Mike Teucher (Projektbearbeiter)
Institut für Geowissenschaften und Geographie
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Von-Seckendorff-Platz 4
06120 Halle (Saale)

phone: 5526020
phone: 5526025
