Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

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KULUNDA: Wie verhindert man die nächste "Global Dust Bowl"? – Ökologische und Ökonomische Strategien zur nachhaltigen Landnutzung in Russischen Steppen: Ein Beitrag zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel.

Förderung: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Projektleiter: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Manfred Frühauf
Projektlaufzeit 01.10.2011 - 30.09.2016

Vergleichende Untersuchungen zu Ursachen, Erscheinungsformen der Post-sozialistische Freiflächenentwicklung und -gestaltung in Großwohnbaugebieten von Halle und Prag und ihren Konsequenzen für die Boden-Kohlenstoff-Speicherfunktion urbaner Ökosysteme

Förderung: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V. (DAAD)
Projektleiter: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Manfred Frühauf
Projektlaufzeit: 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2014

Effekte von Landnutzungs- und Klimawandel für Landschaftswasserhaushalt und Abflussverhältnisse in hoch vulnerablen Landschaftsräumen am Beispiel der Modellregion "Einzugsgebiet Salza"

Förderung: Kultusministerium des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, Ministerium für Landwirtschaft und Umwelt Sachsen-Anhalt
Projektbearbeitung: Prof. M. Frühauf, Dr. G. Schmidt, Dr. M. Zierdt, Dipl.-Geogr. A. Bergmann
Projektlaufzeit: 08/2011 - 07/2014

Auswirkungen von Niedrigwasserphasen auf benthische Lebensgemeinschaften kleiner Fließgewässer im Einzugsgebiet der Salza

Förderung: Landesbetrieb für Hochwasserschutz und Wasserwirtschaft Sachsen-Anhalt (LHW)
Projektbearbeitung: Prof. M. Frühauf, Dr. G. Schmidt, Dipl.-Geogr. A. Bergmann
Projektlaufzeit: 05/2011 - 12/2011


Der Einfluss von ackerbaulichen Klimaanpassungsstrategien auf den Wasserhaushalt in Modellregionen Sachsen-Anhalts

Förderung: Land Sachsen-Anhalt
Projektbearbeitung: Prof. M. Frühauf, Dipl.-Geogr. L.-C. Grunwald
Projektzeitraum: 04/2011 - 03/2013

Consequences of (post-socialist) land use and climate change for landscape water budgets, soil degradation and rehabilitation in the forest steppe zone of Bashkortstan

Das aktuelle Forschungsprojekt gefördert durch die VolkswagenStiftung

Das aktuelle Forschungsprojekt gefördert durch die VolkswagenStiftung

Förderung: VolkswagenStiftung im Rahmen der Initiative "Zwischen Europa und Orient - Mittelasien/Kaukasus im Fokus der Wissenschaft"
Projektbearbeitung: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. M. Frühauf, Dipl.-Geogr. P. Liebelt
Projektlaufzeit: 10/2010 - 09/2012


The political and economic conditions in Russia, as primary driving forces, have led to extraordinarily strong changes and fast land use dynamics during the last 10 years. Our research indicates that the massive abandonment of croplands in Bashkortostan does not only coincide with an increase in grassland and fallow land but also with changes in type and intensity of arable land use. This has resulted in new conditions for soil degradation but also soil restoration, whose consequences and potentials for a sustainable land use in the forest steppe zone of Bashkortostan have not been investigated so far. Little information exist about the relations between land use, soil degradation, and climate change under the influence of the (changing) economic and social steering factors of post-Soviet times.

Modified and new study objectives emerged from the current research project, which were not recognizable at the project start in 2007. Now, issues concerning the impact of climate change in Bashkortostan, new farming practices (soil-conservation tillage) and increasing livestock numbers on soil degradation, soil restoration and water balance are the main focus of the proposed extension project.

The assessment of effects of new economic conditions and climate change on soil degradation in the forest steppe zone of Bashkortostan is the main research goal. To reach this goal we have defined 5 research targets:

  • Characterization of the history, stages, and dynamics of land use
  • Characterization of soil degradation
  • Characterization of soil erosion
  • Characterization of the influence of climate conditions on soil degradation – esp. soil erosion – and water balance
  • Characterization of measures against soil degradation and erosion in the past and present

The investigations will be organised in 5 work packages. Each work package will focus on one of the targets. Work package 5 “Development of measures concerning soil and climate protection and sustainable land use” integrates the results of the first 4 work packages. The investigations will take place on different spatial levels. Results will be gathered beginning on laboratory scale via local scale (test plots) up to farm scale. Research results, e.g. soil degradation patterns, will be verified on representative farms in different parts of the forest steppe zone.

Joint research work and quality management will be organised by the 5 work package leaders acting as the steering committee (SC) of the project. In addition to the current project structure, it is planned to create an External Advisory Board (EAB), which includes representatives from the stakeholders involved (agronomists), political decision makers (Ministry of Agriculture), and scientists. The EAB will evaluate project work and make suggestions to the SC regarding implementation and feasibility of project results. In the course of the current project in Bashkortostan, new cooperation partners were gained from science, politics (Ministry of Agriculture), and regional (agricultural) businesses, which will be of great benefit to future research studies. Therefore, the group of applicants now includes partners from the Bashkir State Agrarian University and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Besides collaborative research work, the project will also contribute to the further development of education practices at the universities in Bashkortostan. This will be realised through the integration of PhD theses and the implementation of new methods and techniques regarding soil degradation research.


Bashkir State University, Ufa
Department of Physical Geography and Hydrology
Prof. Dr. Aufar M. Gareyev   

Bashkir State Agrarian University, Ufa
Department of Agriculture and Soil Sciences
Prof. Dr. Ilgiz K. Khabirov
Prof. Dr. David D. Lukmanov

Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Biology
Prof. Dr. Iljusya M. Gabbasova

Ufa State Aviation Techn. University
Prof. Dr. Albert Sultanov
Prof. Dr. Valerij K. Bagmanov

The project is supportet by:




Aktuelle Forschung in den Waldsteppen- und Steppenregionen Bashkortostans

Aktuelle Forschung in den Waldsteppen- und Steppenregionen Bashkortostans

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